A special panel fold at the eaves part of the roof covers and secures the cut edge and eliminates the need to install screws.
A solution which additionally increases the functionality of the covering is the COVER CAP element, i.e. panel seam caps on both sides. This solution also increases the visual effect and aesthetics of the covering. The COVER CAPs are bent after the installation of the roofing, hiding the visible joint between the sheets and ensuring that the roof presents a uniform, harmonious surface even from up close.
Longitudinal micro-corrugation across the entire surface of the sheet minimises the possibility of wave effect on the flat part of the panel.
Are you working on a roof design and looking for the best solution that would meet all your requirements? Let us provide you with BP2 Libraries to design using BIM modelling. Thanks to precise models, you will be able to prepare a complete 3D detailed design much faster and way easier.
Two panel widths and four profile types
LAMBDA 2.0 is an improved version of light and versatile roof panels. The new offer provides more possibilities of configuration and the most recent technological solutions, and is perfectly refined with regard to aesthetics.
The longitudinal micro-corrugation on the entiresurface of the sheet minimises the possibility of ripple effect on the flat part of the panel.
Product code:
LAMBDA 2.0 roof panel with MICRO RIB longitudinal microcorrugation and cut-out for folding.
Product code:
LAMBDA 2.0 roof panel with MICRO RIB longitudinal microcorrugation and BEND LOCK fold.
The surface finish of the panel is longitudinally profiled with symmetrical grooves.
Product code:
LAMBDA 2.0 roof panel with double semicircular corrugation and cut-out for folding.
Product code:
LAMBDA 2.0 roof panel with double semicircular corrugation and BEND LOCK fold.
Finishing of the panel surface with longitudinal corrugation in the shape of a wide trapezoid.
Product code:
LAMBDA 2.0 roof panel with double trapezoidal corrugation and cut-out for folding.
Product code:
LAMBDA 2.0 roof panel with double trapezoidal corrugation and BEND LOCK fold.
Classic panel surface without any corrugation.
Product code:
LAMBDA 2.0 roof panel with flat surface and cut-out for folding.
Product code:
LAMBDA 2.0 roof panel with flat surface and BEND LOCK fold.
Due to the construction of the roof panels, it is possible that the effect of so-called „waving” of the metal sheet on the roofing occurs. This is a natural phenomenon for this type of product.
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